From the dashboard, click on “Setting” on the navigation bar.
On the Settings page. Click “Manage your cryptocurrencies”.
On the Manage your cryptocurrencies page. You can manage active & inactive cryptocurrencies by toggling them on/off. Please note, as an account owner, you will be able to pick which cryptocurrencies you would like to accept as a payment method. By default, a limited number of cryptocurrencies are set active upon business creation. In this scenario, we will turn on Tron to start accepting Tron crypto payments. Click on the toggle in the Tron card section.
This is only for illustrative purposes
A toast message will confirm the currency is now supported by your business.
If your business is out of stock or you temporarily want to go offline, you can click on the toggle to stop accepting payments. A modal will pop up to confirm you are deactivating all your cryptocurrencies. Please note you will not be able to receive payments on all your active payment links during this period until you toggle to resume accepting payments. Click “Yes, Deactivate” to proceed.
A toast message will confirm that your business is now offline and an email is also sent to notify and prompt you to take your business back online.
Click the “Activate your cryptocurrency” button from the email or toggle it from the “Manage your cryptocurrency” settings page to resume accepting payments. A modal will pop up to confirm you are activating all your cryptocurrencies and resuming accepting payments. Click “Yes, Activate” to proceed.
A toast message will confirm that your business is now online.

Written by Busha Support
Updated over a year ago