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Written by Busha Support
Updated over a week ago

Compliance KYC Requirements per Business Types

On Busha Commerce, you would be able to enter three categories of businesses. These include Registered Company, Registered Business, and Starter Business.

For a Registered Company, you will be required to provide the following documents;

  • Certificate of Incorporation

  • Memorandum & Articles of Association (MEMART)

  • Means of Identification of Director(s) (Any government-issued ID)

  • Proof of Address - Bank Statement (That carries your full name and residential address)

For a Registered Business, you will be required to provide the following documents;

  • Certificate of Registration

  • Means Of Identification (Any government-issued ID)

  • Proof of Address - Bank Statement (That carries your full name and residential address)

For a Starter Business, you will be required to provide the following documents;

  • Name of Business

  • Means Of Identification (Any government-issued ID)

  • Proof of Address - Bank statement (That carries your full name and residential address)

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